Region: Umgebindeland
Oybin: Reading fun with Martina at the text weaving mill
Reading fun with Martina in the text weaving mill will be on Sa., 26.August, 2023, 15-17 o'clock, with us in the garden (and house) in Oybin!

Good entertainment and more - an afternoon at the text weaving mill. For all who love or want to get to know Umgebindehouses and their gardens - and for all who like to write or find readings good. Together with the hostess and writer Martina Rellin (ex-editor-in-chief of the magazine "Das Magazin") we weave ourselves a wonderful afternoon with: Listening, writing, laughing, of course also coffee and cake - and all this in the middle of Oybin with a unique view of the rock massif. Discover dormant talents or simply enjoy the writing imagination of others - I will bring it all under one hat on Saturday, in the sun in the garden, in case of rain indoors. By the way, this event is part of the program "Umgebindelandsommer³".
Take a look at the attached photo of our reading in Lawalde at KEKILA on the meadow orchard last Sunday - we make it similarly beautiful on Saturday!
Participation fee: 10 €, registration is requested: