All the Establishments

Pilot: Vale do Côa

High Performance Center

The High Performance Center (CAR) of Pocinho is intended for the practice of water sports, with relevance for rowing and canoeing, among other sports, being a reference in high competition, both nationally and internationally.

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Tourist Information Center

The Tourist Information Center (CIT) of Vila Nova de Foz Côa opened to visitors on March 10, 2013, being located in the building of the former Conde de Ferreira Elementary School.

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Das Terras de Foz Côa

"Das Terras de Foz Côa" (From the Lands of Foz Côa) is a space to promote the county's endogenous products, located next to the bus terminal, where buses run every day from the south (Lisbon, for example) to the north, as well as from the coast to the interior.

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