Region: Vale do Côa

III Feria Rural de la Raya de Aldea del obispo

The Rural Fair of the Raya de Aldea del Obispo includes: sale of handicraft and gastronomic products from Spain and Portugal, guided visits to the Raya heritage and exhibitions of local artists.

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The Feria Rural de la Raya de Aldea del Obispo was born in 2019, thanks to the initiative of a group of women from Aldea del Obispo, and is usually held on the last weekend of July in this town in the region. The event was organised by the Town Council of the municipality and the Cultural Association Los Boliches de la Torre, and with the collaboration of the Junta de Castilla y Leon and the Federation of Entrepreneurs and Self-Employed Workers of the region of Ciudad Rodrigo (AFECIR). In its third edition it included: the sale of local products in a lively street market, guided visits to the Real Fuerte de la Concepción and to the local church on its 500th anniversary, exhibitions, visits to nearby rural museums, donkey rides, historical fencing demonstrations, theatrical performances, demonstrations of ancient crafts...

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