Region: Umgebindeland

Traveling exhibition "DREInsichten"

The traveling exhibition "DREInsichten" opens for the third time.

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People and houses in the border triangle
Three countries x three houses - that's nine different house stories:

... people who live or work in Umgebindehouses, who accommodate guests or are in the process of saving a house. It expresses the variety of uses and the special features of the building style. Above all, however, the relationship between the people and their houses becomes tangible. We get an impression of the power of this folk architecture: the heart of the house beats in the warm log cabin - the soul of the border triangle is given space in the Umgebindehouse.

Mr. Wieland Menzel, a specialist consultant on the Umgebindehouse from Dittelsdorf, curated the exhibition as part of the European research project TExTOUR and introduces the exhibition with his talk on life in the Umgebindehouse. A journey through the centuries provides an overview of how the Umgebindehouse has developed into what it is today: part of our identity in the border triangle.

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