Region: Umgebindeland

day of the open Umgebindehouse

A day to experience, visit and explore Umgebindehouses

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What might it look like inside? Anyone who admires the pretty Umgebindehouses would like to take a look inside. What is it like to live in a house that is often centuries old? How do you feel in a room made entirely of wood? Are the small windows and low ceilings constricting?

Curious visitors can discover private life in the Umgebindeland. That's when everything revolves around this unique vernacular building style. On the "Day of the Open Umgebindehouse", private owners as well as companies and associations invite visitors to look, listen and talk shop. The event was launched in 2005 and is becoming increasingly popular.

Successful renovation and restoration solutions attract interest, as do craft demonstrations and children's programs. Many places invite visitors to take part in guided tours that provide interesting facts about the listed buildings.

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