1 |
A |
Area [km2] |
2 |
Air quality index |
3 |
AmInv |
Amount of investment in attractions |
4 |
LRts |
Length of routes [km] |
5 |
NAccm |
Number of accomodation facilities |
6 |
NNght |
Number of overnights in accommodation facilities |
7 |
NRooms |
Total number of rooms in accomodation facilities |
8 |
NRmDsb |
Number of rooms adapted for disabled |
9 |
Number of ATMs |
10 |
NSntPl |
Number of public sanitary places |
11 |
NRntSt |
Number of rental stations |
12 |
NGstr |
Number of gastronomy facilities |
13 |
NGsDb |
Number of gastronomy facilities for disabled |
14 |
NCnsPl |
Number of consumption places in gastronomy facilities |
15 |
NAttr |
Total number of attractions |
16 |
NAttrVA |
Number of attractions located in vulnurable areas |
17 |
NLcPrdTp |
Number of local product types |
18 |
NLcSrvTp |
Number of local service types |
19 |
NLcPrdSld |
Number of local products sold |
20 |
NLcPrdc |
Number of local producers |
21 |
NVst |
Number of visitors |
22 |
NLcSrvPr |
Number of local service presentations |
23 |
NStDep |
Number of (stops×departures) |
24 |
NLTTckSld |
Number of tickets sold for public transport |
25 |
NLTRns |
Number of local transport runs |
26 |
NCTOrg |
Number of organizations operating in CT |
27 |
NPInv |
Number of partners involved |
28 |
NCTEvn |
Number of CT events |
29 |
NOffRq |
Number of offers request to tourist information offices |
30 |
NEmtPM |
Number of emitted promotional materials |
31 |
NRcpPM |
Number of recipients of promotional materials |
32 |
AmtDnt |
Amount of (Donations+Grants+Subventions) |
33 |
NCTPrj |
Number of CT activities |
34 |
NArr |
Number of arrivals |
35 |
NSLcArr |
Number of Supra-local arrivals |
36 |
Number of manmade attractions types in the area according to the Heritage list |
37 |
NNtATp |
Number of natural attractions types in the area |
38 |
NExhTp |
Number of exhibition types in the area |
39 |
NEvTp |
Number of events types in the area |
40 |
NTckSld |
Number of tickets sold to the attractions |
41 |
NTckAttr |
Number of ticketed attractions |
42 |
N42 |
Number of attraction types |
43 |
NElVhcl |
Number of electric vehicles |
44 |
NVhcl |
Number of total vehicles |
45 |
NRsd |
Total number of residents |
46 |
NMnSyst |
Number of monitoring systems |
47 |
NCTEmpl |
Number of employees in tourism |
48 |
NEmpl |
Total number of employees |
49 |
NCTJbOffr |
Number of job offers in tourism sector |
50 |
NJbOffr |
Total number of job offer |
51 |
NImgr |
Number of immigrants |
52 |
NEmgr |
Number of emigrants |
53 |
NActAg |
Number of active aged (19-65) persons |
54 |
NRfg |
Number of refugees |
55 |
NHspPnd |
Number of beds in ICUs |
56 |
NRShp |
Number of retail shop |
57 |
NCPrk |
Total number of parking spaces |
58 |
NOrg |
Number of organizations operating |
59 |
CTARvn |
Sum of revenues obtained from economic activities connected to the CT attractions [EUR] |
60 |
TTHghw |
Average travel time to reach nearest highway |
61 |
WtrCnsmp |
Water consumption per year |
62 |
MWsts |
Mass of Wastes generated per year |
63 |
NCIncd |
Number of registered crime incidents reported by the visitors |
64 |
NIRsrv |
Internet reservation |
65 |
NRsrv |
Total number of reservation |
66 |
NFEmpl |
Number of female Employees in tourism sector |
67 |
NMEmpl |
Number of minority Employees in tourism sector |
68 |
Number of minority residents involved in local services |
69 |
NRLSrv |
Total number of residents involved in local services |
70 |
NPSpcsD |
Number of parking spaces suitable for the disabled |
71 |
ANAvis |
Average number of attractions visited by visitors |
72 |
ANAres |
Average number of attractions visited by residents |
73 |
NPop |
Number of positive opinions (satisfied and very satisfied) |
74 |
NTop |
Total number of opinions |
75 |
AvExp |
Average of experience in selected categories |
76 |
NT |
Number of tourists |
77 |
Number of volunteers involved in coultural heritage |
78 |
Number of cultural heritage places available |
79 |
NCHrtrdC |
Number of cultural heritage rituals, traditions, recipes, dances etc. collected |
80 |
TNNsMpPdc |
Total Number of nomination submitted, management plan and prepared descriptions (arguments) confirmed by the deadline |
81 |
NMpsD |
Number of management plan submitted by the deadline |
82 |
Number of female Employees in tourism sector |
83 |
Total number of Employees in tourism sector |