All the Variables

# Symbol Title
1 A Area [km2]
2 AQI Air quality index
3 AmInv Amount of investment in attractions
4 LRts Length of routes [km]
5 NAccm Number of accomodation facilities
6 NNght Number of overnights in accommodation facilities
7 NRooms Total number of rooms in accomodation facilities
8 NRmDsb Number of rooms adapted for disabled
9 NATM Number of ATMs
10 NSntPl Number of public sanitary places
11 NRntSt Number of rental stations
12 NGstr Number of gastronomy facilities
13 NGsDb Number of gastronomy facilities for disabled
14 NCnsPl Number of consumption places in gastronomy facilities
15 NAttr Total number of attractions
16 NAttrVA Number of attractions located in vulnurable areas
17 NLcPrdTp Number of local product types
18 NLcSrvTp Number of local service types
19 NLcPrdSld Number of local products sold
20 NLcPrdc Number of local producers
21 NVst Number of visitors
22 NLcSrvPr Number of local service presentations
23 NStDep Number of (stops×departures)
24 NLTTckSld Number of tickets sold for public transport
25 NLTRns Number of local transport runs
26 NCTOrg Number of organizations operating in CT
27 NPInv Number of partners involved
28 NCTEvn Number of CT events
29 NOffRq Number of offers request to tourist information offices
30 NEmtPM Number of emitted promotional materials
31 NRcpPM Number of recipients of promotional materials
32 AmtDnt Amount of (Donations+Grants+Subventions)
33 NCTPrj Number of CT activities
34 NArr Number of arrivals
35 NSLcArr Number of Supra-local arrivals
36 NMMATp Number of manmade attractions types in the area according to the Heritage list
37 NNtATp Number of natural attractions types in the area
38 NExhTp Number of exhibition types in the area
39 NEvTp Number of events types in the area
40 NTckSld Number of tickets sold to the attractions
41 NTckAttr Number of ticketed attractions
42 N42 Number of attraction types
43 NElVhcl Number of electric vehicles
44 NVhcl Number of total vehicles
45 NRsd Total number of residents
46 NMnSyst Number of monitoring systems
47 NCTEmpl Number of employees in tourism
48 NEmpl Total number of employees
49 NCTJbOffr Number of job offers in tourism sector
50 NJbOffr Total number of job offer
51 NImgr Number of immigrants
52 NEmgr Number of emigrants
53 NActAg Number of active aged (19-65) persons
54 NRfg Number of refugees
55 NHspPnd Number of beds in ICUs
56 NRShp Number of retail shop
57 NCPrk Total number of parking spaces
58 NOrg Number of organizations operating
59 CTARvn Sum of revenues obtained from economic activities connected to the CT attractions [EUR]
60 TTHghw Average travel time to reach nearest highway
61 WtrCnsmp Water consumption per year
62 MWsts Mass of Wastes generated per year
63 NCIncd Number of registered crime incidents reported by the visitors
64 NIRsrv Internet reservation
65 NRsrv Total number of reservation
66 NFEmpl Number of female Employees in tourism sector
67 NMEmpl Number of minority Employees in tourism sector
68 NMRLSrv Number of minority residents involved in local services
69 NRLSrv Total number of residents involved in local services
70 NPSpcsD Number of parking spaces suitable for the disabled
71 ANAvis Average number of attractions visited by visitors
72 ANAres Average number of attractions visited by residents
73 NPop Number of positive opinions (satisfied and very satisfied)
74 NTop Total number of opinions
75 AvExp Average of experience in selected categories
76 NT Number of tourists
77 NVICH Number of volunteers involved in coultural heritage
78 NCHPA Number of cultural heritage places available
79 NCHrtrdC Number of cultural heritage rituals, traditions, recipes, dances etc. collected
80 TNNsMpPdc Total Number of nomination submitted, management plan and prepared descriptions (arguments) confirmed by the deadline
81 NMpsD Number of management plan submitted by the deadline
82 NFETS Number of female Employees in tourism sector
83 TNETS Total number of Employees in tourism sector